Sunday, August 14, 2005

danica patrick pole, danica pole patrick, danica patrick wins pole, pole danica patrick, winning pole danica patrick, danika patrick pole

danica patrick pole, danica pole patrick, danica patrick wins pole, pole danica patrick, winning pole danica patrick, danika patrick pole

Danica Patrick says this Sunday in the Amber Alert Portal Indy 300...could be the weekend. If history repeats it very well could be Danica Patrick's first win at indy racing!! Wow, wouldn't that be exciting. This is a track with history of kind on it though for the female driver like Sarah Fisher and Erin Crocker. Fisher became the first woman in IRL history to win a pole when she did so at Kentucky three years ago. Last month, Crocker, an aspiring stock car driver, won the pole for the ARCA race at Kentucky Speedway and finished a strong second to Chad Blount in the race.

So will Danic Patrick pole sitter on the Amber Alert Portal Indy 300. What's going to be her story. Only time will tell. Will danica patrick have more pictures on here in the winning circle, or will be just another story in the books for the Kentucky speedway to say yet another women, yet another race, yet another day!

We hope to be seeing Danica Patrick pole winner, danica patrick indy car winner, danica patrick win in kentucky, danica patrick win, win danica patrick, that's what we are really hoping to see this Sunday!